
Farewell / Slovo


a puppet stop-motion animated film directed by Leon Vidmar | 2016 | 5'51'' | Slovenia

Lovro is tired and sad. He fills the bathtub with water, looking at droplets dripping from the tap. As one hits the water surface, Lovro is reminded of the day he first went fishing with his grandpa. His thoughts take him to the fish pond, and the bathroom sounds and objects bring back memories of that day: putting a black worm on the hook, getting tangled in his grandpa's line, driving to the pond in a beaten old car, catching a fish for the first time and seeing it die. Memory and reality merge into one.


Best Animation Film @Lebanon International Short Film Festival (Lebanon)

Maribor Audience Grand Prix @StopTrik International Film Festival (Slovenia)

Special Jury Mention (Hassan Muthalib, Malaysia) @CRAFT - International Animation Festival (Indonesia)

Winner of International Animated Short Film Competition @Chilemonos (Chile)

IRIS Award 2016 for best cinematography of animated film (Miloš Srdić) @Slovene Association of Cinematographers (Slovenia)

PrimaSound Award @Primanima World Festival of First Animations (Hungary)

vesna for best animationa @Festival of Slovenian Film (Slovenia)


Director: Leon Vidmar

Screenwriter: Jerneja Kaja Balog

Art director: Leon Vidmar

Lead animator: Leon Vidmar

Animator: Jaka Kramberger

Music composer: Tomaž Grom

Supervising sound editor: Julij Zornik

Director of photography: Miloš Srdić

Producer: Kolja Saksida

Production company: ZVVIKS

Co-production: NuFrame, Zavod OINK

With the support of: Slovenian Film Centre, a public agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Film Studio Viba Film Ljubljana


Stop Motion