Daily TEUM : Blossom Room

복합문화공간 ‘일상비일상의틈’ 1층 Media Ceiling & Wall의 'Blossom Room' 컨텐츠를 연출하고 제작했습니다.
인테리어의 공간이 깊숙히 확장되도록 아나모픽 방식으로 비주얼을 구현했고,
틈에서 피어나는 3가지 꽃의 테마를 가지는 스토리로 연출했습니다.

2grey directed and produced 'The Blossom Room' of the Media Ceiling & Wall on the
1st floor of the complex cultural space 'TEUM'.
Visuals were implemented in an anamorphic way to deeply expand the interior space,
The story has the themes of three flowers blooming in the apeture.

Client - LGU+
Agency - HSAd
Creative, directed and designed by 2grey
Director - Minhyuk Jang
Sound - Sunwoo Kim
Motion Graphics