
CGS Fundamental


Presenting CGS Fundamental - When CGsociety reached out looking for a motion designer to host an 8 week workshop I jumped at the chance! It felt only right to create a sequence incorporating all of the techniques we’re going to break down over the weeks of the workshop. It’s a mix of 3D/2D design and animation touching on basic motion graphics techniques. I learned most of my knowledge from tutorials and always found visual context to be a big inspiration and guide, let’s hope this does the same! The summer course is almost sold out, so move fast or sign up for the next one.

Software used -

3D - Maxon C4D

2D and comp - Adobe After Effects

Render - Octane Renderer

Motion Graphics
#3d, #motion, #design, #octane, #art, #adobe, #C4d, #gpu, #motiondesign, #render, #tutorial, #cgsociety, #space, #artefact, #gallery, #otoy